The schema section defines the attributes that are available for use when defining user types. Attributes can be enabled or disabled and can have their labels customised.
The schema attributes roughly follow the SCIM definition, although there are UMT-specific attributes and custom attributes available too.
Attributes can not be added, but they can be modified. To modify an attribute, click on the three vertical dots to the right and then select "Edit":
This will bring you to the edit attribute page:
Schema attributes
Attribute |
Description |
Attribute name
Name of attribute,
Type |
The data type of the attribute. This determines what values can be input
for this attribute. |
The name under which the attribute will appear on the user form.
Valid Values |
If the data type of
the attribute is Select, the available values for the attribute should be input here,
with each valid value on a separate line. |
If enabled, the attribute will
be available for use in user profiles.
Inheritable |
If an attribute is
inheritable, users with this attribute available will inherit its value
from their manager. |
Full schema attributes
Attribute |
Description |
externalId |
The user's unique external
reference such as an employee number. |
userName |
The username credential allowing the user to log in to UMT. |
name |
formatted |
The user's formatted name, e.g., John Doe. |
familyName |
The user's family name. |
givenName |
The user's given name. |
middleName |
The user's middle name. |
honorificPrefix |
The user's honorific prefix, e.g. Mr/Ms/Mx. |
honorificSuffix |
The user's honorific suffix. |
displayName |
How the user's name will appear elsewhere in UMT. By default, the display name is the user's
given name and family name, but it can also be changed manually. |
nickname |
The user's nickname. |
profileUrl |
The user's URL link to their internal profile within an external application. |
title |
The user's job title. |
userType |
The type of a user defines their available attributes and
some administrative privileges. |
preferredLanguage |
The user's preferred language. |
locale |
The user's locale code of their
language within a specified country. |
timezone |
The user's timezone. |
active |
Whether the user's account is active. |
password |
The password credential
allowing the user to log in to UMT. |
emails |
value |
The user's email address. |
type |
The user's email address type
(work or personal). |
primary |
Whether this email address is the user's primary email address. |
phoneNumbers |
value |
The user's phone number. |
type |
The user's phone number type
(work, personal or mobile). |
photos |
value |
The user's photograph. |
type |
The user's photography type
(jpeg, thumbnail). |
addresses |
streetAddress |
The user's street address. |
locality |
The user's locality. |
region |
The user's region. |
postalCode |
The user's postal code. |
country |
The user's country. |
formatted |
The user's address manually formatted. |
type |
The user's address type (work or
home). |
primary |
Whether the user's address is their
primary address. |
x509Certificate |
The user's x509 certificate. |
enterprise |
employeeNumber |
The user's external employee ID. |
costCenter |
The user's cost centre. |
organization |
The user's organisation. |
division |
The user's division within their organisation. |
department |
The user's department within their organisation. |
manager |
value |
The user's manager's UMT ID. |
$ref |
The user's manager's URL link to their internal profile within an external application. |
displayName |
The user's manager's UMT display
name. |
umt |
thirdParty |
The user's third party. |
roles |
The user's roles. |
startDate |
The user's start date. |
endDate |
The user's end date. |
reviewDate |
The user's review date. |
contractHistory |
The user's contract history. |
purchaseOrder |
The user's purchase order. |
contractStartDate |
The user's contract start date. |
contractEndDate |
The user's contract end date. |
domain |
The user's stock exchange domain. |
notes |
Further context or notes about
the user. |
custom |
customAttribute01 |
The user's custom attribute 1. |
customAttribute02 |
The user's custom attribute 2. |
customAttribute03 |
The user's custom attribute 3. |
customAttribute04 |
The user's custom attribute 4. |
customAttribute05 |
The user's custom attribute 5. |
customAttribute06 |
The user's custom attribute 6. |
customAttribute07 |
The user's custom attribute 7. |
customAttribute08 |
The user's custom attribute 8. |
customAttribute09 |
The user's custom attribute 9. |
customAttribute10 |
The user's custom attribute 10. |
customAttribute11 |
The user's custom attribute 11. |
customAttribute12 |
The user's custom attribute 12. |
customAttribute13 |
The user's custom attribute 13. |
customAttribute14 |
The user's custom attribute 14. |
customAttribute15 |
The user's custom attribute 15. |
customAttribute16 |
The user's custom attribute 16. |
customAttribute17 |
The user's custom attribute 17. |
customAttribute18 |
The user's custom attribute 18. |
customAttribute19 |
The user's custom attribute 19. |
customAttribute20 |
The user's custom attribute 20. |