User types

Users can be defined as being of a certain user type. A user type defines the attributes that need to be captured for that particular type of user. For example, a user type of Robot may not require a given name or family name, whereas a user type of Supplier probably would need those attributes.

The primary purpose of the user type, therefore, is to allocate the relevant schema attributes to the type in order to drive the contents of the user creation/modification forms.

User types, however, also define the following:

  • Is the type of user contract based, and if so, what is the default contract length
  • Can a bulk load of users of this type be performed
  • Should a central administrator be assigned for managing all users of this type
  • Who should approve the creation/extension of users of this type

Creating user types

There are some sample user types already defined within the platform such as guest or supplier. To create a new user type to suit your requirements, click on the “Add type” button:

add user type.png

This will bring you to the add user type page where you can complete the details for that user type:


User type attributes



User type name

Unique name for user type.

User type description

Description explaining the purpose of the user type.


Whether the user type should be available when creating new users.

Managed by UMT

Whether users of this type are primarily managed via UMT. If users will be synced with an external database, this should be set to false.

User type observers

Users with the selected role are the observers of this user type, allowing them view users of this user type but not create them or make alternations to them.

User type approvers

Users with the selected role are the approvers of this user type, meaning creation or alteration of users of this user type require their approval to be enacted.

Contract based

Whether users of this type can be assigned contracts.

Bulk load

Whether multiple users of this type can be created at once.

Maximum contract length

If a user type is contract based, this is the maximum possible length of contract that can be assigned to users of this type. 


In addition to the default mandatory attributes, selected attributes will appear on the user creation form for users of this type.

Video demonstration

Best viewed in full screen