UMT overview
Madigan's user management tool is to manage life-cycling events of identities falling outside of normal HR processes and systems.
The following will outline the needed requirements of UMT, the processes running within it and the outcomes of UMT.
Administration structure
The administration structure is based upon user roles.
These roles can be assigned to users defining them as administrators of third parties and/or user types as well as determining their level of access within UMT.
Roles can also be defined as approvers within user types meaning that when users of a user types with approvers are created a request is routed to the approver to decide to actually enact their creation or not.
This overall determines what types of users they can create and the actions they can take within UMT such as what they can edit, view or delete, if they can create and run reports or bulk add users. As well as which users are sent requests to approve new users or contracts.
Users are created by other users that have roles making them administrators of types of users. The user's attributes, their third party and their contracts can be enacted upon to manage life-cycling events such as a start, reviewal and end dates of the user, their contract and their third party.
UMT settings
UMT needs to have its settings configured to function as intended.
Tenancy and SMTP settings are vital to be able to send users and third parties email notifications that have been sent due to the triggering of lifecycle rules.
Report settings determines how long reports will be retained before being deleted.
Workflow settings determines aspects of the approval process such if the approver's own request is automatically approvers or if they can approve their own requests along with a review period for approved users.
OIDC settings integrates UMT with an Identity Provides supporting OIDC allowing for user sign-in with Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication.
UMT Report setup
UMT reports give overviews of users, their third parties, their contracts and activity with UMT. They can be set to generate within set intervals from a specified date or to generate once.
Mail templates
Mail templates create templates for outgoing emails with placeholders to be replaced automatically upon being sent by attributes within UMT. So that each email's content and recipient is tailored to requirements.
Lifecycle rules setup
Lifecycle rules enact upon the attributes of users, their contracts and third parties.
They can be set to target all or specified users of a user type or specified third parties of an organisation.
Rule triggers set the criteria to enact the rule, the lifecycle rule is enacted when the rule trigger criteria matches that of the attributes of a user, their contracts or third party that is being targeted.
The lifecycle rule action can be set to only email targeted users or third parties. Or it can be set to email targeted users or third parties along with updating, deleting or incrementing their attributes.
The mail recipient can be set to send emails to specified users, managers, requestors, approvers and any user with a role. Sent emails are based upon the selected email template.
Lifecycle rules can be set to execute once daily or continuously.
Processes within
Lifecycle rules
Lifecycle rules enact upon the attributes of users, their contracts and third parties.
When a rule trigger matches the attributes of a user, their third party or contract depending on the rule action selected will update or delete or increment their attributes or make no makes to their attributes and only send out email notifications to specified recipients using the selected email template.
Lifecycle rule triggers are evaluated against users, their third parties or contracts either daily or continuously.
Upon creating a user or a contract of a user of a user type that has a defined approver a request is sent to them to approve the changes and apply them within UMT or reject them.
Approvals can be pre or self approved if the approver is the requestor and these options are enabled.
Approved users or contracts have a review period, notifying the approver to review if the user or contract is still required or accurate.
UMT Outcomes
Effective management of life-cycling events
Lifecycle rules when triggered can make alterations within the UMT database to reflect life-cycling events of users or third parties. These details can then be sent to relevant parties to enact changes with your organisation ensuring that the correctly level of access is granted to your personnel and that access is revoked when required all within a rapid timeframe.
UMT Reports
UMT reports provide clarity on users, their third parties, their contracts and activity within UMT as well as to analyse the data within to receive better understanding of the trends within or any details that require investigation.
Audit Logs
The Audit log records all actions that have taken place within UMT so that changes can be tracked to assess if actions are being performed correctly and if there is any suspicious activity.